An 86 Year Old Man #WalkAway From Dems To Vote For Trump - #WalkAway Campaign


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Friday, October 2, 2020

An 86 Year Old Man #WalkAway From Dems To Vote For Trump

I want to tell my dad's story.

My dad is 86 years old. He doesn’t do social media, he’s old school, he has watched the evening news every night his whole adult life. Unfortunately the news he watches is NBC, ABC & CBS. Back in the day that was the only news available and what everyone watched and trusted.
My dad has been a lifelong Democrat. He says he cares about the environment, animals and the working man so that’s why he’s a Democrat.
My dad voted for Obama. My dad says he doesn’t like Trump because he’s crude and full of himself.
But last week my dad announced that he will be voting Trump in November.
He said that after watching what has been going on in this country for the last couple of years he is done with the Democrat party. He admits it’s been hijacked by psychotic far left radicals and he can’t be part of that group anymore. He thinks Biden should be in a old folks home for dementia not running for office. My dad will vote for Trump and says he has #WalkedAway.
There is hope, I believe there are thousands of people like my dad with common sense who have finally had it and are finished with the Democrats. That is the story of Gail Monroe.

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