A Black Man #WalkAway From Dems Almost 2 Decades Ago - #WalkAway Campaign


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Monday, September 28, 2020

A Black Man #WalkAway From Dems Almost 2 Decades Ago

I walked away almost 2 decades ago for the same reason many of you are walking away TODAY! I just saw the nastiness, hate and hypocrisy of the Democrats and it made me think WHY am I a Democrat? The answer was because you grow up Black in an urban area and you also vote for whoever has a (D) by their name. Once I started learning, studying and researching it really opened my eyes to how the Democrats/ Liberals used emotion and mob tactics to keep blacks in line and voting Democrat!

I am Black and a rap music artist and promoter so needless to say ALL FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE 99.9% Democrats lol 😂 So you can imagine ONLY the real friends will stay by your side even if they don’t agree with you. Any event or gathering was everybody let’s beat up on Mike The Black Republican, The Black Sheep! What got me through these situations was research study and knowledge and understanding how the Democrat reasonings work. I would debate a whole room of attackers and hold my own pretty damn good 😎 After their name calling and accusations they are pretty empty, just raw hateful emotion. Learning that the Democrats have stood in the way for slavery, and against the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments, forced Jim Crow laws, segregation and formed the KLU KLUX KLAN, I would never again accept the racism argument from the party that started the KLAN! The Democrats could no longer hold the Blacks back as a powerful voting block so their strategy changed to get the Black VOTE not help The Black People. So the more I studied and learned about our history the more it affirmed my correct decision to #WalkAway. That is the walk away story of Michael Ameer.

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